One small world

Ahelee wrote a message on the inspiration site about our restaurant in San Francisco, Ananda Fuara, reaching their goal of serving 700 customers in one day, (they actually served over 800). Below is my reply.

Since our restaurant in Christchurch, The Lotus-Heart, is on a much smaller scale, we will start with 300 and work up from there.

Sri Chinmoy says:"Our goal is to go from bright to brighter to brightest, from high to higher to highest. And even in the highest, there is no end to our progress, for God Himself is inside each of us and God at every moment is transcending His own Reality." Our largest customer count to date was last year during the Christmas trip, when over 200 eager diners came most days. We could have done with your “in training” philosophy as we attempted to apply our system designed for an average of 50 customers per day to a much larger amount. Inspite of the chaos, we loved every minute of it, but unfortunately it made for some slightly slow service.

Last week a lady came into The Lotus-Heart who used to work for United Airlines. She is now retired somewhere in northern California, but she used to live in San Francisco and frequent Ananda Fuara. She spoke so fondly of her experiences there, which went well beyond the food. She said everywhere she goes she likes to find out if there is a Sri Chinmoy restaurant, (she has visited restaurants all around the world). Although she has never met Sri Chinmoy in person, she has such an understanding of, love for, and oneness with his philosophy.

It is so amazing that Sri Chinmoy provides such varied avenues for people to experience spirituality in a way they can relate to and apply to their own life. It is also so nice that the Sri Chinmoy restaurants foster friendships with so many people all over the world – staff members and customers alike.